Connect to Help Right Away with Online Counseling
🌟 Therapy Intensives 🌟
A therapy intensive is like a ‘Disney FastPass’ - you get a VIP experience, skipping the lines of traditional therapy waitlists, and accelerating your healing.
Are you tired of feeling tired or anxious? Do you feel like you have a bunch of helpful skills and tools already, but just can’t cross the threshold of getting them to work for you? Do you want a powerful, grounding experience that shifts your stuck thoughts both quickly and thoroughly? Join us for a therapy intensive. One of our psychologist colleagues likes to describe them as being like your own personal mental health retreat, because they are so soothing and deeply rooted in peace and safety.
If you’re short on time but want relief as soon as possible, consider a therapy intensive:
Evidence based treatment that works, finally!
Reduced disruption to work/life schedules
Cost effective due to short-term nature of services
“Every single time I lead an EMDR Intensive, I am reminded of how astoundingly powerful the human brain is.
Our brain has the innate ability to heal itself,
when provided with the right tools and resources.
With an expert guide, clients can experience the change they have been seeking and benefit from lasting results.”
-Jillian Rainwater, Licensed Professional Counselor
Do any of these sound like you? Are you ready for help from an anxiety therapist to change cognitive distortions?
“I need help now, not six months from now.”
“I know I have what it takes to change, but I haven’t been able to get enough motivation and support to do it.”
“I’m tired of being tired.”
“I don’t want to keep replaying the same thoughts over and over again in my head.”
“I want the actions I take to line up with my desired actions and not be so out of alignment.”
“I know my thoughts and self-talk aren’t helping me, but I can’t figure out what to think and say to myself instead.”
“I carry my anxiety in my body, memories and emotions; not just in my thoughts, and I need help changing that.”
Connect to hope and a life worth living with a counseling intensive that brings reality and relief.
How It Can Help Bring Anxiety Relief and Ease Life Transitions
Now more than ever, we need flexibility in how we get support. Together we can work in an intensive format using effective and efficient treatment models to reach your goals and help you experience healing. You can skip the waitlist and finally get the help you need to enact the change you dreamed of long ago.
Therapy Intensives can help you get rooted and grounded…
get seen right away
benefit from research-based approaches
achieve purposeful healing quickly and thoroughly
walk through life transitions successfully
do effective somatic and attachment exercises for change
Concentrated, Effective Therapy to Accelerate Your Growth is Available Now
Intensive and Workshop Therapy Centers in Lansing, Grand Rapids,
and Online throughout Michigan
Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy utilizes horses for cognitive behavioral therapy, goal setting and experiential learning to enact change.
Our practice uses the Somatic and Attachment Focused Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, or S.A.F.E. EMDR.
Short, sweet and helpful - our therapy intensives allow you to identify your stuck places and help your brain find its sweet spot for change.
You don’t have to keep living like this…it can get better…
Let our therapy hold space for you in a way that feels comfortable, connected, holistic and deep.
The types of people seeking Therapy Intensives include the following:
Maybe you’re needing help right now, and don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly model of treatment to feel better.
Perhaps you’ve been meaning to get into therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly appointment feels more like a chore than something you want to do, so a one-weekend boost feels just about right.
Not to mention you are overwhelmed at the thought of sitting on a waitlist for weeks or months -> hard pass.
You might have a felt sense that something profound has yet to change, but you’re not quite sure why you haven’t gotten there with all the time you’ve already invested.
You cognitively understand, yet your mind and body are still confused, so you’re curious about how a more somatic therapy can help.
Or you are a new client to therapy who just prefers to work intensively! You’re welcome here too.
FAQs about Therapy Intensives
Email to book an initial consult to determine if this approach is the one that could help you the most.
Therapy Intensives range between 4-6 sessions typically, but can vary based on goals. These can all take place in one weekend, or be spread out over 2-6 weeks.
Yes! Click on our FAQ page and you can find the research on Intensives which shows how an accelerated healing process can still bring about thorough change that will leave you connected and with strong roots for future growth.