What is self-compassion?

You might be hearing the term “practicing self-compassion” thrown around lately and wondering what exactly that means.

The good news? It’s fairly simple. So simple, in fact that you can create your own self-compassion practice, or often find samples on the websites of reputable therapy practices or yoga centers.

Some self-compassion practices can be done in as little as 30-60 seconds. It doesn’t take long!

Here’s a sample from Jill’s “Better Than Last Year” book to give you a feel for how to create one of your own:


Begin by finding a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

Gently close your eyes if it feels right.

Take a slow, deep breath in… and let it out.

Now, bring to mind something you’ve been struggling with, something that’s causing you difficulty right now. It could be a big problem or something smaller, but just acknowledge it without judgment.

Say to yourself, softly and kindly:

"This is a moment of DISCOMFORT."

Pause, and notice what this feels like in your body. Take a breath.

Then, gently remind yourself:

"DISCOMFORT is part of being human. I’m not alone in this."

Feel the warmth of that truth, that you, like everyone, experience challenges.

Now, place a hand over your heart, and say:

"May I be kind to myself in this moment."

Feel the comfort of the gentle care you are offering yourself. Take one more deep breath.

When ready, open your eyes, carrying with you this sense of kindness.

This short practice helps ground you in the present moment and builds your self-compassion, even when life is stressful. What is a practice you can create for yourself that includes elements that are similar this that you think would be helpful to you?


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